Monday, July 19, 2010

Home schooling- train up a child

Proverbs 22:6 NIV
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

This scripture has been thrown at me a lot lately, not so much as a scripture, but as a quote. I really started to think about this, am I "training my child in the way he should go"? Am I even training my child consciencely? The answer is no. I had this belief, that you do for your kids what you can, when they are babies wrap your lives around them, as they become toddlers they need to adapt to your life. I still think that is somewhat correct, but do I really want my child to have my life? The answer is a resounding NO!

At Wal-Mart (a place of evil, maybe hell on earth), I had time to think as I was completely alone with out T or D and it hit me hard. I need to change me, so when I am not consciencely training him, he is still getting a good lesson. I also said I was going to consciencely train him as much as possible. I don't just mean life lessons and my values and faith, but actual education. I first went to the books. I bought him a Beginner Bible. I bought a few craft supplies, stickers, flash cards, and education books for his level and I am prepared to go.

The next day, today, I wake up and have the resolve to start fresh with my baby boy. I can't go back but I can change things now, while he is young. I usually try to have a morning devotional, but T doesn't see that, so I started today with a bible story from his new bible. After the story, he wanted to talk about it a bit so we did, mostly about what was in the pictures, but at least he was interested. We then held hands and said a prayer appropriate for a 3 year old, I am hoping this teaches him you can talk to God at any age in whatever way works for you. God hears you no matter what. That was a great start. I did my best to get things done around the house today so he didn't see mommy sitting on the computer or in front of the TV with him not really functioning. We did a little bit of exercise via Dance Dance Revolution ( he loves that). Then Preschool...

I taught preschool before, I have lots of experience, I actually loved it. Teaching that young age and seeing them discover new things, it's amazing. For some reason with T, I get scared. I mean he is my son, he's 3 why am I freaking?! I have no idea why, it was amazing. T loved "going to school". We turned our home into a whole new place, and we were learning. I learned that my super brave, out going, loud little boy is somewhat insecure and needs to have reassurance that it is ok to trust his instincts. I also learned that T loves to learn and to think he is helping me. At one point, he asked me to give him "5" then stuck his pointer finger up and said, "thank you, we good team". I wish you could bottle those moments, he was so proud of himself. T learned some pre-writing skills, and we worked on shapes, colors, letters, numbers, we have a science and social studies lesson. It was awesome. I can't wait for tomorrow.

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